Transform your life financially with our Strategic Investment Advice

There is no guarantee that anyone retiring after 2030 will receive a pension. This is also why superannuation is compulsory.

There are many kinds of investments and through out history, gold and land have been a staple diet and bedrock for many investors.

40+ years of experience
500+ properties sourced
Over 500 lives impacted
$55 Million+ projected growth


There is no guarantee that anyone retiring after 2030 will receive a pension.  This is also why superannuation is compulsory. 

There are many kinds of investments and through out history, gold and land have been a staple diet and bedrock for many investors.

Why Shine Investment Solutions

Are you tired of feeling unsure about your financial future ? Do you want to achieve financial freedom but are unsure of how to make it happen? 

We at Shine Investment Solutions are well aware of how stressful the journey to financial independence may be.

We are here to help you through every stage of the process and develop a customised program that is tailored to your personal budget and circumstances. We aim to provide you with the resources you require to transform your goals of creating wealth and financial freedom into a reality.

We’ll guide you in understanding the complex world of property investment while creating a roadmap for your financial future with our proven strategies, expert advice, and commitment to your success.


You may have heard the terms cash-flow property, positively geared property or “cash cow” assets.

These terms are often all used interchangeably, however for the purpose of when we refer to cash-flow property on our website, we are referring to a property whereby the rental income exceeds all costs associated with holding the property.


The #1 benefit of investing in high cash-flow property is the ability to pay down the mortgage debt quickly and securely without using any of your own cash-flow to do so.

By doing this, you are able to accumulate a property portfolio safely and pay down debt quickly (using the tenant) so that your property portfolio is delivering you targeted amounts of rental income per month.


There is no guarantee that anyone retiring after 2030 will receive a pension.  This is also why superannuation is compulsory. 

There are many kinds of investments and through out histriy, gold and land have been a staple diet and bedrock for many investors.

Our Service

Shine Solution can help you regardless of where you are in your property journey. Our team is experienced in working with every type of investor. We work closely with you to understand your needs and goals and take you through a carefully designed process. 

Tax Minimisation

Many people pay more tax than necessary, unaware that tax minimisation can provide them with an additional source of funds towards retirement or property investment.

Eliminate Your Mortgage

Mortgage reduction is vital for increasing wealth, therefore it is critical to focus on eliminating home loans as soon as possible. TPC through financial strategists, provide strategies that assist clients to achieve this as soon as possible.

SMSF & Property

Tens of thousands of people can attest to the benefits of having investment property in their own superannuation fund. Enquire about establishing your own self-managed superannuation fund & find out what you can achieve

Finance Specialist

Whether you are wanting to refinance or apply for a new loan. This goes beyond a bank interview.

Education Consultant

It’s been said that people go to school to learn how to work for money. Safely, this is what many people do

Property Investment

Australians have a love for real estate. Investing in property has created many millionaires.